Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Embracing the Mullet

I notice a lot of long hair in East Texas. I see many mullets, especially on men.

The Bible teaches that hair and vanity go together, so I suspect that many mullet wearers have an ego connection to their hair, possibly a rebellion to a stoic, Baptist upbringing.

I am guilty of prejudging the mullet. In the past, I viewed the mullet as a sign of bad grammar and a low skill set. I changed my mind last summer in Paris, TX at the Tour de Paris Cycling Rally.

A Mullet saved my ass on rural Hwy. 37. This man took 20 minutes out of his life to change my flat tire in July Texas heat. He was logical and efficient, and he got me on my way. He didn't ask for my phone number, and he didn't bug me at the post-Rally cookout later that day.

He helped me without expecting anything in return, a rarity in the North Texas area.

Since that day last summer, there have been other Mullets in my life. There was the Mullet who hooked up my dryer, and the Mullet who assisted in fitting a large bookshelf into my Jetta at a garage sale. Different Mullets, same logic and efficiency.

I believe the Mullet has more time than money, as is the case of many East Texans. Or maybe these guys are just nice.

I have learned to embrace the Mullet.

1 comment:

Curtis said...

In the land of the omnipresent mullet, he who works hardest in front and parties hardest in back is king.